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Profitsflow ERP Information Morning – November 2018

The last Profitsflow ERP Information Morning for 2018 was held on Wednesday November 21st at the Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords, Co. Dublin. There were companies from a variety of industries who were interested in the EFACS and Eagle Field Service software. Members of the Profitsflow and Exel Computer System teams were on hand to discuss […]

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ERP Head to Head Event 2018

The 2018 ERP Head to Head event has wrapped! The ERP Head to Head event took place on the 16th &17th of October in the Crowne Plaza Hotel near Dublin Airport. The event allowed for 13 ERP vendors to engage with potential customers, demonstrating their software against predefined scripts. Attendees were give the opportunity to attend demonstrations […]

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Spotlight Series: EFACS E/8 Workflow Part I

The Workflow module can be found within the EFACS and Eagle Field Service software. The module is used to automate business procedures and improves operational efficiency. Workflow provides a framework for automating the flow of a company’s business procedures via the software, allowing EFACS E/8 to be utilised more effectively with the users specific requirements […]

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Spotlight Series: EFACS E/8 Workflow Part II

In our last post, the Capabilities, Workflow Models and Scheduled Workflows of the Workflow module were detailed. Below, the Filescan element of the Workflow Module is highlighted. Filescan: Filescan is an automated tool used for improving accuracy and operational efficiency, this tool utilises Workflow as part of its process. Filescan is used to monitor predefined […]

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The Profitsflow Guide for the ERP Head to Head Event

The Lumenia ERP Head to Head 2019 event is only weeks away. Profitsflow will be at the event for the fourth year running and all of us here at Profitsflow HQ are getting ready. If you are attending the event, there are a number of things that you can do in preparation, during and post event […]

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Spotlight Series: Fingerprint Reader

Spotlight Series: Fingerprint Reader

EFACS now has fingerprint technology within the Time and Attendance module to help improve efficiency and accuracy of clocking in and clocking out for users. Time and Attendance: Within the Time and Attendance application, there is an In/Out Monitor. This allows the user to see who is on site and who is not. The Time […]

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Spotlight Series: Document Management

Spotlight Series: Document Management

The storage, retention and accessibility of information within a business are critical to its efficiency and will ultimately determine the speed at which an organisation responds to demands placed upon it. Nowadays, organisations need to effectively and securely manage a variety of documents including; general communications, such as letters, memos and emails, and more specialised […]

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Spotlight Series: Remote Workers & Mobile Data

Spotlight Series: Remote Workers & Mobile Data

Nowadays, businesses find it hard to be competitive in an ever changing business environment. Customer service has always been used as a point of differentiation for many businesses. It is vital that field service providers deliver outstanding customer service in order to be competitive. Remote workers can find it difficult to meet agreed upon service […]

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Spotlight Series: Project Management Module

Spotlight Series: Project Management Module

The Project Management (PM) module can be found within the EFACS E/8 software. This module acts as a ‘project umbrella’, containing all the information regarding the initial tendering process and can be used for the subsequent management of a successful project. The module has the ability to track the management of projects of varying complexities. […]

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SMEs and ERP

SMEs and ERP

When Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software was first developed, only larger companies were able to access this new, innovative software. At the time, ERP was expensive and was seen as a capital investment. Nowadays, ERP is much more widely available for smaller businesses. Below you will find some of the reasons why many SMEs are […]

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Spotlight Series: Planned Maintenance Module in Eagle Field Service Software

Spotlight Series: Planned Maintenance Module in Eagle Field Service Software

In this blog post, we will delve into the Planned Maintenance module that is available in the Eagle Field Service software. This module allows the business to record what equipment their customers have on site that will need maintenance. This module can also record changes to the equipment and allow new contracts to be produced […]

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Spotlight Series: Shop Floor Data Collection

Spotlight Series: Shop Floor Data Collection

Within the EFACS E/8 software, there is the Shop Floor Data Collection (SFDC) module. This easy to use module allows the user to capture data while on the shop floor, with the data being transmitted in real time to the EFACS database. The SFDC module is fully integrated with the rest of the EFACS software […]

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ERP Head to Head Event October 16th & 17th 2018

ERP Head to Head Event October 16th & 17th 2018

Profitsflow are delighted to announce that we will once again be taking part in the Lumenia ERP Head to Head event. For this event, we will be demonstrating the EFACS E/8 ERP software. Profitsflow was established in 2009. Since then, we have built a reputation as an expect ERP provider to Ireland’s manufacturing and field […]

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Spotlight Series: Interactive Planning and Scheduling Dashboard

Spotlight Series: Interactive Planning and Scheduling Dashboard

The Capacity Planning module in the EFACS E/8 software aids the manufacturing sector by alleviating the pressure of controlling and planning many manufacturing jobs, which are composed of a number of operations using limited resources. When a Capacity Plan is produced, it can be viewed and interacted with in the Interactive Planning and Scheduling Dashboard. […]

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Spotlight Series: Customer Relationship Management Module

Spotlight Series: Customer Relationship Management Module

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) encompasees a large number of businesses processes. The CRM module allows the user to interact with potential and established customers in a number of ways, such as marketing, sales, customer profile, customer support and customer service. CRM Console and Sales Opportunities: The CRM console contains a complete view of all established […]

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Spotlight Series: Quality Module within EFACS E/8

Spotlight Series: Quality Module within EFACS E/8

Within the EFACS E/8 software, the Quality module connects several aspects of the business, such as the supplier details, works orders, stock, customers and workflows. The Quality Module ensure that any quality concern that is logged is recorded and supervised from the time the concern is flagged until resolution. Logging and Assessing: There are several […]

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Common Misconceptions Surrounding ERP Systems

Common Misconceptions Surrounding ERP Systems

There are some common misconceptions surrounding ERP systems which can mislead customers away from pursuing an ERP system. This post will take a look at some of the most common misconceptions that Profitsflow have encountered from customers and how we answer these misconception. ERP is Only for Larger Companies: A lot of people think that […]

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How to Plan for Your ERP Success

How to Plan for Your ERP Success

This post is about helping you to plan for a successful ERP implementation. It could have been called “How to Avoid an ERP Implementation Failure”, but by following these steps, you will be set on the path for a successful implementation. Set a Realistic Time Frame: The time has come, you need to implement an ERP […]

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Tips for Choosing an ERP Supplier

Tips for Choosing an ERP Supplier

Choosing an ERP system can be a lengthy and arduous process. Not only do you have to think of which system is best suited to your needs, but you also need to consider which ERP vendor is capable of helping your company through the ERP implementation and continuously into the future. Investing in an ERP […]

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Top Tips on Choosing an ERP System

Top Tips on Choosing an ERP System

Choosing an ERP system can seem like a daunting task. It is a big undertaking but in the end it will streamline your business workflow. If you are thinking of implementing an ERP system, consider our top tips for choosing an ERP system that is right for YOU. Every business operates in different ways, because each […]

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Profitsflow Compiles Irish ERP Market Report

Following on from continued success and growth, Profitsflow has further developed its resources and offering to clients. The Wicklow and Wexford based firm has recently compiled the Irish ERP Market Report for the first quarter of 2018. Drawing information from participants across all relevant industries, a survey was conducted, with contributors having implemented ERP as […]

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Why Choose EFACS and Profitsflow?

Why Choose EFACS and Profitsflow?

EFACS E/8 is a modern, fully integrated, flexible business solution. Built using the latest internet technology, EFACS E/8 can be run either in the cloud or on-premise. It has a component structure that enable an economic and precise fit to the most demanding of business requirements. It is browser based and operates on either a […]

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Profitsflow ERP Information Morning - March 2018

Profitsflow ERP Information Morning – March 2018

It was a successful morning at the Profitsflow ERP Information Morning, held on Thursday, March 22nd in the Wexford Enterprise Centre. This event had originally been planned for March 8th but due to the snow was postponed for 2 weeks. Companies from a variety of industries met and a brief introduction to Profitsflow and EFACS […]

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Irish ERP Market Survey 2018

Irish ERP Market Survey 2018

Here at Profitsflow, we love setting ourselves new challenges; so for this quarter, our task is to compile the Irish ERP Market Report for Q1 2018. We’ve put together a survey to help give us insight into the Irish ERP Market, and we would really appreciate you completing the survey. Plus, by completing it, you’re […]

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