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Profitsflow ERP Information Morning – November 2018 - Profitsflow

Profitsflow ERP Information Morning – November 2018

The last Profitsflow ERP Information Morning for 2018 was held on Wednesday November 21st at the Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords, Co. Dublin.

There were companies from a variety of industries who were interested in the EFACS and Eagle Field Service software. Members of the Profitsflow and Exel Computer System teams were on hand to discuss the EFACS ERP software.


The morning began with an overview of Exel Computer Systems and Profitsflow. Tadhg Henderson, Managing Director of Profitsflow, gave a brief overview of the EFACS E/8 software.


After a short coffee and networking break, the attendees reconvened to learn more about the EFACS software. Lee Harding of Exel Computer Systems presented on different applications within the software. This included the EFACS mobile applications, Eagle Field Service and progressing a sales order from initial order to completion. Questions were encouraged during the presentation and this led to engaging conversation with the attendees.

General questions and answers were following by a light lunch and close.


We will be continuing the ERP Information Mornings in 2019. To find out when the next Profitsflow ERP Information Morning is taking place, check here.  Keep an eye on our Calendar for more events, such as webinars and showcases!


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