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The Profitsflow Guide for the ERP Head to Head Event - Profitsflow

The Profitsflow Guide for the ERP Head to Head Event

The Lumenia ERP Head to Head 2019 event is only weeks away. Profitsflow will be at the event for the fourth year running and all of us here at Profitsflow HQ are getting ready.

If you are attending the event, there are a number of things that you can do in preparation, during and post event in order to get the most out of ERP Head to Head showcase.

Read below for our guide!


Before Attending the Event:

Before attending the event, make a list of the core functionalities that any potential ERP system is going to need. Think about what functionalities the software will need to serve your company now, but also what the software will need in order to bring the company forward.

Talk to the core staff that will be using the new or upgraded ERP system and ask them what core functionalities they believe the ERP system should have. This will help to make a more informed decision about what software will best suit your business and your business functions.


Take some time to research the vendors before you attend the event. By researching the vendors and their products before you go, you will get a sense of what vendors and products may suit your business needs. By doing this research before the event, it will give you the opportunity to make a list of questions for each of the vendors about the software they provide and exactly how it can benefit your business.


There is the option to pre-arrange a one-to-one meeting with vendors. If there is a vendor that you feel meets your predefined criteria, book a one to one meeting with them at the event. You can still use the event to check out other vendors, however if you feel that one vendor could potentially be a good fit, take advantage of the opportunity to speak to them on a one to one basis.


At the Event:

The event is solely for companies looking to engage with ERP. Talk to some of the other attendees, as everyone is in the same boat, either looking to invest in ERP for the first time or upgrade existing systems. Ask questions and find out other attendees experiences have been like so far.


Each vendor will be putting on focus demonstrations in one of the following:

  • Finance
  • Procurement
  • Production
  • Projects
  • HR
  • Sales Quotation
  • Sales High Volume


However, during the demonstrations is a good time to engage with the vendors at their stands, as most of the attendees will be at the demonstrations. Bring your list of requirements, have questions ready for the vendors and take advantage of the experience that is available on the showroom floor.


Remember to keep an open mind at the event, while you have researched the vendors online ahead of time, each vendor will be able to show you their software and its functionalities while on the showroom floor.


After the Event:

After the event, follow up with vendors that are of interest to you or vendors that you believe would be a good fit for your business.

All vendors will be able to provide you with further information about their product, such as brochures, leaflets, case studies and more.


Things that You Can Do Now:

The event is only a few weeks away and if you haven’t already, there is still time to register. Go to the Lumenia site to register now

Profitsflow will be at the ERP Head to Head event, demonstrating the EFACS E/8 software, but that doesn’t mean that you have to wait for the event to meet us! You can contact us here if you would like some more information about us or about EFACS E/8 or Eagle Field Service software.

Click here to download our white paper, ERP Selection Guide!


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