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MRP Vs ERP – What are the Differences?

MRP vs ERP: What is the best software solution for your business? While both systems share a similar name and are designed to improve efficiency and productivity, they serve different purposes and offer unique features. Understanding the differences between Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is crucial for businesses looking to optimise […]

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Maximising Digital Transformation: The Essential Role of ERP Systems

ERP: Powering Digital Transformation, One Integrated Solution at a Time In today’s fast-paced and interconnected business landscape, digitalisation has become more than just a buzzword – it’s a strategic imperative for organisations aiming to thrive in the digital age. At the heart of this transformation lies Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, playing a pivotal role […]

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Profitsflow ERP Information Day – Belfast 2023

Tuesday the 14th of November at The Titanic Hotel Belfast We were delighted to organise one of our ERP information days in Belfast. Over the course of the year, we have received a lot of contact from companies in Northern Ireland requesting more information on EFACS E/8, our ERP solution for the manufacturing and field […]

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Profitsflow ERP Information Day – Co. Wexford 2023

Profitsflow ERP Information Day – Co. Wexford 2023

We had our second successful ERP Information Day of the year which we held in our local county of Wexford. The event was held in The Clayton Whites Hotel in Wexford Town. We were delighted to finally organise an ERP Information Day in our local county of Wexford. It has been 5 years since we […]

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Spotlight Series: Landed Costs

Landed cost encompasses the total cost of purchasing, transporting, warehousing and distribution of a product, which can be a raw material, a semi-finished item or a finished product. The EFACS E/8 Landed Cost module allows the capture of these indirect costs so they may be analysed and ultimately incorporated into the total cost of the […]

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Spotlight Series: EFACS E/8 Workflow Part I

The Workflow module can be found within the EFACS and Eagle Field Service software. The module is used to automate business procedures and improves operational efficiency. Workflow provides a framework for automating the flow of a company’s business procedures via the software, allowing EFACS E/8 to be utilised more effectively with the users specific requirements […]

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Spotlight Series: EFACS E/8 Workflow Part II

In our last post, the Capabilities, Workflow Models and Scheduled Workflows of the Workflow module were detailed. Below, the Filescan element of the Workflow Module is highlighted. Filescan: Filescan is an automated tool used for improving accuracy and operational efficiency, this tool utilises Workflow as part of its process. Filescan is used to monitor predefined […]

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The Profitsflow Guide for the ERP Head to Head Event

The Lumenia ERP Head to Head 2019 event is only weeks away. Profitsflow will be at the event for the fourth year running and all of us here at Profitsflow HQ are getting ready. If you are attending the event, there are a number of things that you can do in preparation, during and post event […]

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Training is the key to successful ERP projects

Training is the key to successful ERP projects

A good enterprise resource planning system needs many different moving parts working together to ensure success. Those with ERP experience know that having the support of top executives and getting them to buy into a change or upgrade early on is crucial. Complete and current documentation of business practices is needed on a practical level […]

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ERP Solutions that Work

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a constantly evolving field. Every year we hear about new features, support models, and deployment options. But when it comes time to get a new ERP system, what is the best ERP platform? ERP investments have a long life, typically 15 to 20 years. In order to determine which ERP system […]

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ERP Industry Progress

Companies looking to improve their links across various functions, such as inventory control, accounting, and human resources may find the answer lies in ERP software. Enterprise Resource Planning systems allow businesses to improve their operations infrastructure, enabling businesses to share information and make decisions more quickly across multiple departments. Enterprise Resource Planning has come a […]

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6 Common ERP Implementation Mistakes

We have all heard about ERP implementation projects that have failed, gone on long past the planned implementation time, or gone way over budget.  In such circumstances, it is all too easy to blame the vendor or the selection team. However, normally the fault in these cases lies in the planning and execution of the […]

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