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erp software - ProfitsFlow

erp software

Improving Production With The Help of ERP Software

For manufacturing organisations, improving production is one of the most crucial aspects to their business. Having optimal production processes can be crucial when trying to compete with companies in the same sector. One of the most powerful tools available to manufacturers and production companies is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. By integrating various business processes […]

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How ERP Systems Promote Sustainability

Sustainability has become a critical factor in modern business strategy. Consumers, governments, and investors are increasingly prioritising environmentally responsible practices. Implementing an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system can be a game-changer for companies striving to enhance their sustainability efforts. By integrating various business processes and providing real-time data, ERP systems help organisations optimise resource use, […]

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Unlocking Growth and Enhancing Scalability for Small Businesses with the EFACS ERP Solution

Empowering Small Businesses to Thrive With EFACS E/8 Since its creation back in the 1980’s the EFACS E/8 solution has helped countless businesses in the manufacturing and field service industry gain a competitive edge by optimising their operations and boosting productivity. This has been especially valuable for small businesses. The EFACS solution offers unrivalled potential […]

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Mastering the Recipe for Success: The Crucial Role of ERP Software in the Food and Beverage Industry

Nourishing Success in the Food & Beverage Industry With ERP In the fast-paced world of the food and beverage industry, efficiency, accuracy, and compliance are paramount. Whether it’s managing inventory, tracking shipments, ensuring quality control, or meeting regulatory requirements, the challenges faced by organisations in this sector are multifaceted and ever evolving. In such a […]

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Profitsflow ERP Information Day – Belfast 2023

Tuesday the 14th of November at The Titanic Hotel Belfast We were delighted to organise one of our ERP information days in Belfast. Over the course of the year, we have received a lot of contact from companies in Northern Ireland requesting more information on EFACS E/8, our ERP solution for the manufacturing and field […]

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5 Benefits: What Manufacturing and Field Service Companies Can Gain from Utilising EFACS E/8, the Fully Integrated ERP Solution

Empower Your Industry with EFACS E/8: Transforming Possibilities into Realities. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is a comprehensive system that integrates and automates various business processes such as production, finance, CRM and supply chain management. Both manufacturing and field service companies can greatly benefit from implementing an ERP system due to its ability to streamline […]

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ERP in the Age of Remote Work: Ensuring Business Continuity and Collaboration

Uniting Teams Across Distance: How ERP Empowers Remote Work Success In recent times, the business landscape has undergone a significant shift with the widespread adoption of remote work. As organisations around the world adapt to this new paradigm, the role of technology, particularly Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, has taken centre stage in ensuring business […]

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Post-Implementation Maintenance and Support: Ensuring Long-Term ERP Success

Unleashing the Power of Support: Sustaining ERP Success Beyond Go-Live. The successful implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a milestone moment for any business. However, the journey to ERP success does not end with the go-live date. In fact, it is just the beginning. To sustain the benefits and maximise the ROI […]

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Improving Production Planning and Scheduling With ERP Software

Streamline Your Production with ERP Software: Mastering Planning and Scheduling for Manufacturing Excellence In the dynamic world of manufacturing, efficient production planning and scheduling are crucial for meeting customer demands, optimising resources, and maximising productivity. Traditional manual methods can often be insufficient in managing the complexities of modern manufacturing operations. That’s where Enterprise Resource Planning […]

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How to Choose the Right ERP System for Your Business

How to Choose the Right ERP System for Your Business

Now in 2023 more and more businesses are converting to integrated ERP systems. But how do you find the right solution for your business? We dive deep into this topic to help you make the right decision Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes to manage their […]

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Profitsflow Awarded Gold Reseller of the Year 2023

Profitsflow Awarded Gold Reseller of the Year 2023

Profitsflow Achieves Gold! We are delighted to announce that our dedication in providing the highest possible service to our clients has been recognised with the award of Gold Reseller of the Year for 2023from our partner Exel Computer Systems. Profitsflow are the official reseller of the EFACS ERP software, which is authored by Exel, and […]

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Profitsflow ERP Information Day – Co. Wexford 2023

Profitsflow ERP Information Day – Co. Wexford 2023

We had our second successful ERP Information Day of the year which we held in our local county of Wexford. The event was held in The Clayton Whites Hotel in Wexford Town. We were delighted to finally organise an ERP Information Day in our local county of Wexford. It has been 5 years since we […]

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5 Benefits that manufacturing and field service companies can experience when implementing their very own Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software

You have made the decision to onboard a comprehensive and efficient ERP system for your manufacturing or field service company. Examine below just 5 of the many benefits you are about to discover. I am sure many of you are aware of the vast amount great benefits when your company has implemented a proficient and well […]

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Profitsflow Celebrate 10 Successful Years

Profitsflow are celebrating 10 successful years! Profitsflow began as a CRM and ERP supplier to Irish businesses in June 2009. Founded by current Managing Director, Tadhg Henderson, the company now focuses on implementing ERP software for the manufacturing and field service sector. Profitsflow is the official supplier of the EFACS E/8 ERP software within Ireland. […]

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