We share a case study of one of our long term engineering customers. Here you can learn about their ERP journey.
Here at Profitsflow, we specialise in ERP software for Ireland’s manufacturing and field service sector. We have worked with some of the best known names in engineering here in Ireland.
We’ve scheduled a free webinar tailored to professionals in this industry. It will cater to companies who are considering implementing ERP for the first time and those seeking to upgrade existing ERP systems.
In this brief online session, we’ll highlight the journey of one of our clients, a prominent engineering company based in Ireland. We share their first-hand experience with implementing the EFACS E/8 ERP solution. This company had challenges with compiling information from existing disparate systems which had no integration. This led to difficulties in compiling reports and also resulted in poor manual processing. EFACS was implemented to solve these issues.
This fully comprehensive software and much more will be highlighted in the webinar. So book your place now to discover if EFACS is the right solution for you and your business.
Similarly, contact us for any other questions or inquiries.